Perfect Chain Conveyor in Paper Mill
At the heart of Chain Conveyors lies a simple yet powerful operating principle. As the link moves along its designated path, it engages attachments or fixtures specifically designed to secure the transported material. The continuous motion of the chain provides momentum to the items, propelling them forward along the conveyor route.
Features of Chain Conveyor
1.Constructed from rugged materials such as steel, Chain Conveyors exhibit exceptional durability, capable of withstanding harsh operating conditions.
2.Chain Conveyors can navigate diverse layouts, including inclines, declines, curves, and even vertical trajectories, offering unparalleled flexibility in material handling.
3.It can be transported horizontally or with an inclination of less than 30 degrees.
Leizhan has always been in compliance with the trends of the times and the market, constantly updating our paper machines and pulping machines, striving to keep our paper making equipment at the forefront of the times and provide customers with the best products! If you are interested in our paper machines, please feel free to contact us for more information.