Paper Making Sizing Machine for Sale,Paper Industry Sizing Machine Supplier    

Paper Making Sizing Machine for Sale

The main function of the sizing machine is to evenly apply the sizing agent to the pulp or formed paper to enhance the performance of the paper. During the paper making process, the sizing machine adds the sizing agent to the pulp, and begins to improve the internal strength and water resistance in the early stage of paper formation. The paper after sizing needs to go through a drying process to remove excess water in the sizing agent, so that it can be fully combined with the paper fiber to ensure the durability of the sizing effect.


The sizing machine can be applied to various types of paper production, including newsprint, writing paper, packaging paper, etc., to meet the performance requirements of different products. Modern sizing machines use advanced coating technology, which can quickly and evenly apply sizing and improve production efficiency.


Through sizing treatment, the durability of paper can be improved, damage caused by aging and moisture can be reduced, and the service life of paper products can be extended. If you need, please contact me at any time!