High-quality Heavy Impurity Cleaner,Leizhan Efficient Heavy Impurity Cleaner in Paper Making Process    

High-quality Heavy Impurity Cleaner

The Heavy Impurity Cleaner uses the centrifugal force and gravity separation principle to remove heavy impurities in the pulp. After the pulp enters the heavy slag remover through the feed port, under the action of the high-speed rotating vortex, the heavy impurities in the pulp (such as gravel, iron filings, etc.) are thrown to the inner wall of the Heavy Impurity Cleaner due to their high density and are subjected to a large centrifugal force, and sink along the wall to the slag collection chamber. The lighter pulp fibers continue to flow upward and are discharged through the discharge port.


The Heavy Impurity Cleaner can effectively remove heavy impurities such as gravel, iron filings, sand particles in the pulp to ensure the purity of the pulp. This not only improves the strength and appearance quality of the paper, but also reduces problems such as paper breaks and holes in the paper production process, and improves production efficiency. Heavy impurities in the pulp can cause wear and damage to production equipment, especially to key components such as pumps, screens, and press rolls. By using Heavy Impurity Cleaner, the entry of impurities can be effectively reduced, the service life of the equipment can be extended, and maintenance costs can be reduced.


The Heavy Impurity Cleaner can operate continuously, with a high degree of automation, reducing manual intervention and improving the operating efficiency of the production line. At the same time, due to the reduction of impurities on the equipment Wear, the downtime of the production line is also greatly reduced, further improving production efficiency. Please email us for more details!
Email: whiteboardpapermachine@gmail.com