Delivery Site of Pulping Machine Customized by Tiancheng Paper,Paper mill Equipment    

Delivery Site of Pulping Machine Customized by Tiancheng Paper

The equipment shipped this time is the pulping machine ordered by Tiancheng Paper from Our company Leizhan. Leizhan’s pulping equipment is highly efficient and energy-saving. Hope our customer can receive the pulp making equipment and put them into use as soon as possible.

Delivery Information of The Order

Delivery date: September 9-16, 2023
Ordered machine: Chain Conveyor, Drum Pulper, Pressure Screen, Inflow Pressure Screen, Cleaner
Delivery Machine: Chain Conveyor, Drum Pulper and supporting accessories


Leizhan has rich experience in customized pulp and paper production lines and can provide customers with a full range of solutions to help customers save costs to the greatest extent and produce high-quality paper. Contact us for cooperation. Email: